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Fees and pricing policy

There is no recommended pricing for Veterinary Services. Fees are structured based on costs of running the clinic and competition in the local area from other clinics. Not all Veterinary practices offer the same range of services, stock the same medications, have access to the same equipment or have staff with the same level of skill and experience.

Our Service Commitment

Why are Veterinary Fees Increasing?

The 3 biggest costs in providing a Veterinary Service are medications and consumables, Veterinary staff, and cost of equipment.


The cost of medications and consumables increases at least once per year and the percentage increase is affected by inflation and availability. During the pandemic both of these factors were affected significantly and price increases of up to 30% were seen. Medications and consumables account for 25-30% of the cost of providing a veterinary service.


The cost of equipment has followed a similar trend to medications and consumables and has been affected by both inflation and international availability. While there are sometimes cheaper equipment options available we endeavour to use only the best when it comes to our patients. We are fortunate to have a large variety of diagnostic, medical and surgical equipment in house which allows us to provide a diverse array of services.


Veterinary staff costs account for up to 50% of Veterinary fees. Global shortages of both Veterinarians and Veterinary nurses has seen a significant increased in wages in the last 2 years. There is a gross misconception that Veterinary professionals are well paid because of the cost of Veterinary Care. Currently, on average, Veterinarians are paid less than 50% of what their human medical counterparts are paid and Veterinary nurses around 60% of what their human counterparts are paid, and this is a significant improvement compared to 2-3 years ago. 



So where does my money go?

There is a misconception that Veterinarians take home most of what they bill to a client. This example will help show where your money actually goes.


For every $100 spent in a Veterinary Clinic, $25 goes to the cost of medications and consumables, $7 goes to rent of the premises, $10 goes to general business costs like water and electricity, phones, bank fees, Veterinary software, IT, advertising etc, $45 is paid in wages (Vet, nurse and receptionist, including Superannuation), $2 is used to support our community, $4 is paid in Tax and $7 is retained as profit. Out of this profit equipment is purchased and improvements are made to the premises.

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